Thursday, May 31, 2012

A.O.D.A. Customer Service Regulations

I did some looking around on the Government of Ontario website to look more closely at the customer service standards for accessibility.  this is what I found:

" Let me give you a for instance to illustrate this one. Imagine you are organizing a meeting in a small board room. You’ve invited twelve of your customers but it’s a tight fit with little room between the chairs and walls.
The first customer to arrive uses a walker, the next uses a cane. After they are seated, you become concerned that others entering the room may trip on the assistive devices, possibly injuring themselves or damaging the walker or cane.
You say, "I'm just going to take your walker and cane and put them over in the corner, so they won't break if someone steps on them."
While your concern is well meaning, this practice is not consistent with the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity, because the participants might not be able to choose to leave the meeting, change their seats, stand to make a point, without asking you to return their assistive devices.
There are other examples and more information about the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity available to help you understand this requirement in the on-line Manual I mentioned earlier that you can find under the tools to help you comply section at ."

I may have to send this to the front of house manager at the Avon Theatre so that he can review it.  This issue has come up for us a few times in the last couple of years during trips to Stratford.

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